Friday, February 24, 2006

Frankie : The Early Years

"What th' heck is a Frankie?" I asked one day after being called that for the Nth time by one Mr Francis Lee. Apparently, I have a standard photographic pose much like Lyd's 'The Angle'. Thus, the Frankie Files were created to document this peculiar phenomenon.

Nobody really knows where or when the Frankie came into being, but because I'm feeling generous and nostalgic, you get to see (for a limited time only) the Frankie Evolution. Behold.

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Next up- Frankie : The Next Generation.


Anonymous said...

what happened to sex,drugs and rock and roll?

grac said...

yeah- lemme post it when i've scanned it

grac said...

LOL! so right, so right! you *do* know i'm not the only one, right? let's get fc*ked together.

gawd, i miss you. how could we ever pass up entertainment such as this were you here...

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah...bladdy-blah. how's it going? life here is bloody miserable.can't wait till spring...i want a bloody plane ticket now! this place is bloody boring and depressing.