"What th' heck is a Frankie?" I asked one day after being called that for the Nth time by one Mr Francis Lee. Apparently, I have a standard photographic pose much like Lyd's 'The Angle'. Thus, the Frankie Files were created to document this peculiar phenomenon.
Nobody really knows where or when the Frankie came into being, but because I'm feeling generous and nostalgic, you get to see (for a limited time only) the Frankie Evolution. Behold.
"Little did they know that one day, young Grac would be a Marlboro Reds girl instead. Oh, the irony!"
Who the hell was th' photographer? Had he/she no concept of composition? Why the hell am I wearing that dress? And what's with the fur on my head? Was I drugged as a child? I have no recollection of my childhood- maybe it was all that booze and cigarettes.'