Friday, January 30, 2009

Lolz- Drabble Generator

An Ethereal Day To Float
by Grac, courtesy of the Drabble-matic

Kieran stepped easily out into the classy sunshine, and admired Anna's shoulder. "Ah," he sighed, "That's a mysterious sight."

Anna climbed off the billboard and walked quickly across the grass to greet her lover. Kieran patted Anna on the feet and then tried to float her nonsensically, but without success.

"That's all right," Anna said. "We can try again later."

"I'm just not fabulous," Kieran. "Not as fabulous as the time we floated behind the moon."

Anna nodded carelessly. "We were redeeming back in those days."

"Our necks were younger, and we had a lot more fun with them," Kieran said. "Everything seems shiny and asinine when you're young."

"Of course," Anna said. "But now we're provocative, we can still have fun. If we go about it progressively."

"Progressively?" Kieran said . "But how?"

"With this," Anna said and held out a contrary foil. "Just take that with some water and in half an hour, you'll be ready to float."

Kieran swallowed the foil at once and sure enough, in half an hour, they were able to float progressively. They floated like a beautiful membrane made of a thousand points of light. Three times.

And then the neighbour told them to get off his lawn.

It's scary how it looks like something I'd write on crack. Lots of work and thinking up of adjectives, but FUN!


Cranx said...

What is this ar?

grac said...


its like mad libs- but weirder.