Half-Blood Prince, (which we're not supposed to be reading. btw *snorts*) is coming out on July 16th. Frankly, I kinda lost interest in the canon ever since the end of GOF. I didn't even read OOTP til last year and that was in txt format. No, I didn't cry when Sirius died, I wasn't exactly outraged at Umbridge... Actually, I felt bad for Snape and thought that the Marauders were real jerks. They're the kinda boys I would've called assh*les and hexed them in th' back at every opportunity. I might be a closet Slytherin sympathizer. Even the Quizilla test sorted me there. :)

You are a Slytherin!
If you take this image, please link back to my quiz
on the preceding page. Thank you!
What House are you at Hogwarts? Harry Potter!
brought to you by Quizilla
In any case, I'm totally disappointed with canon- which justifies my move into fanon. (For those unfamiliar with my fangirl geekslang, canon means the officially published story while fanon is the story concocted by fans, thus fan-on.) I read fanfic once in a while for my Harry Potter fix. Fanon is so much more interesting. Where else but in fanfic will you get Harry Potter teaming up with the Charmed sisters to fight against th' evil that is Voldermort? Or actually hear Buffy call the dark lord- Voltron, Voldy, Moldywart or The-One-Whose-Ass-I-Will-Kick? Crossovers are th' bomb!
I dunno... I might give up on Rowling's books altogether and dwell in fandom forever. Where Draco and Harry date *ick*, where Willow turns out to be a long-lost Weasley and Lucius Malfoy is actually a good guy pretending to be a badass.

You are a Harry & Draco Shipper!
!!!~What Harry Potter Fan Fic Ship Are You?~!!!
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A quote for the day:-
Ginny shrugged. “That’s hardly anything new. Those two can scarcely put together a thought long enough to dress themselves in the morning. Or does Draco help with that too? Standing there, ordering them around.” She pulled herself up, puffing out her chest and scowling in a fair approximation of the Malfoy heir. “No, you moron, one leg per hole. One! Leg!”
Hermione snorted with laughter, covering her mouth with her hands. She shut her eyes, cackling as she pictured Goyle and Crabbe stumbling over themselves in the morning trying to figure out how to put on their pants. Well, it wasn’t that far out, she supposed. Malfoy did have to help them with everything else.
~ Contractual Obligations:Remix, Jinni
And a link to one of my favorite stories: The Chronicles Of Lucius. I dunno if you'll get the humor, but I laughed so much my stomach hurt.
I am a Hufflepuff.
How the heck do you post pics on your blog???
Haha! Loyal but slightly slow? Ok, I'll keep it simple then. Your pictures should be loaded somewhere, right? Use image hosters like photobucket or hello, but i don't bother with that- just use your friendster photo bank in the meantime.
Each pic has a path or link, so you go to the pic you want, right-click it and go to properties. the hyperlink should be there. Highlight and copy it.
Okay, now to put that path on your blog. I repeat what blogger says on their FAQ: "Once you have an image online, you can include it in either your template or in a specific post by typing in the following tag: img src="x". Just replace the x here with the actual URL of your image. "
You toggle your blog between "Edit HTML" and "Compose" to make sure that the html code is correct and then go "Preview" to make sure the picture comes out okay. Simple no? Go try and put your pic up and see.
Or I could show you how the next time you come over.
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