Thursday, February 03, 2005

Lessons I Learnt From My Best Friend 2

Lesson Two: The Great Debate- Star Trek or Star Wars? Or “NO! Mine Is Better, You Jerk!!”
(Another segment courtesy of Antfood)

We don’t get into fights over this, but things can get rather heated at times. Maybe it’s a good thing we only debate about this over th’ phone because I’d phaser her dead otherwise. LOL- imagine this:-
“Star Wars is better.” Waves hand in Jedi mind control motion.
“No, Star Trek is better.”
”Star Wars IS better.” Waves hand again.
”No way, Star Trek!”
”Star Wars!” Begins to lose cool Jedi façade.
”Sheeeyah, ‘Luuke, da farce is wif youuu’” I mimic. “Star Trek is wayyyy better”
”Yeah right! Utopia? I’m s’posed to believe our future’s all perfect an’ clean?”
”Why not?! At least it’s more believable than ‘a galaxy far, far away’!”

”My aliens are cooler”
Silence. She’s right, of course. Star Wars have way cooler aliens. For some reason TPTB at Paramount decided that every ST alien seem humanoid. The only thing that sets all aliens apart is the bumpy noses an’ foreheads, and the occasional blue skin.
I don’t give up easily. “At least mine’s scientifically realistic”
”Yeah? How?” Red doesn’t really watch Star Trek. “Earl Grey- hot.” I hate that line. Tea drinkers on space shows are such wusses. Thank God for Kathryn Janeway.
”Hey! Replicators are a possibility! A lotta medical/ scientific breakthroughs now have similar features to that in Star Trek!”
”Ooh- wave a magic wand and all is healed.”
”Oh, and a dip in th’ Bacta tank does the same thing?”

”Ay! Don’t knock Bactine!!”
”Bacta is not Bactine!” I yell “Where th’ heck did you get that idea?”
We’re at a standoff. This is getting ridiculous.
”Star Wars was directed by Lucas. What was yours? Gene Raspberry?”
”Stop it.”
”I’m serious”
*bzzzraaappp* I phaser her into a pile of fine ash before she can pull out her light sabre.

:-D Okay, so our conversations aren’t always like that, but th’ gist is there. I love ST and she loves SW. I watch and read up on Star Wars for her sake and she pretends to like Star Trek for mine. Yeah- she pretends to watch ST: Voyager since Kathryn Janeway’s a lot more masculine than Captain Picard. LOL.

Giving in to someone is never easy, especially when you know you’re right. ;-) I can choose to have an interest in th’ things she loves best just so that we can have one more thing to argue incessantly about. I’m more liable to keep stubbornly plodding along, but Red’s a little more gracious than I am. The words “FINE! You’re right.” will be th’ end of any argument we have. I’m still learning…

Here's one for us, bestest bud- 'FIREFLY'. Oh yeah. C'n you spell C-O-M-P-R-O-M-I-S-E?

(Disclaimer: No light-sabre carrying, pretend-Jedi knight was harmed in the writing of this blog. :-D No, Red doesn’t tweak me like that… I do. That’s my job- I irritate her whenever I have th’ chance. I think she likes it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahha. go u trekker u :)