growing up (not old, mind you) sucks.
i never thought i could be made any more cynical than i already was, pre-current-job, but there you go.
here is a list of the things I know nothing about: house loans, overdrafts, debts, EPF beneficiaries, wills, burying people (twice), legal stuff, bills, MRTA, estates, auctions, developer prices etc. you would think that after two years, i would know- but i've managed to ignore it, in hopes that it will go away. it hasn't, but it's getting easier. to ignore, that is.
however, i don't think burying people made me cynical and jaded, contrary to popular belief. i suspect its my job.
my job is wonderful. i love the people i work with (four of them, at least). i love how when i had my writer's block going on for a year, they took over all the writing altogether and let me do my own thing.
boss: {in her cubicle} grac, bla bla buzz buzz deadline bla bla
grac: ... {typing an email}
grac: ... {deleting furiously after three whole sentences}
boss: bla bla artist bla
grac: {types in 'aesthetic in the mystical' and pauses} um... can i have your eyes for a minute?
boss: {moving around} bla bla invoices, grac
grac: ... {deletes furiously and reparses the sentence. types 'mysticism and astrology' instead}
boss: {at grac's cubicle} okay, what?
grac: i'm doing this thing for the blurb thing
boss: ... {reads over shoulder}
grac: ... {still typing and reparsing sentences}
boss: you know what? i'll write this- you scoot over and i'll finish in two minutes
grac: {angry, scoots}
boss: {types}
grac: {sends that email off}
my writing muscles have atrophied and i take an hour to write a short blurb that wouldn't have taken me 5 minutes before. it was so easy to palm off all the writing work for so long, it's starting to be very bad for me.
anyway, i love how working for a big company allows me the experience of a big budget but yet working for a small operating unit means i get to learn to be accountable on what and who i spend it on. particularly the who. i've never been so pro-who in my life, its unbelievable.
i bought a train (4 trains, actually). and this fulfils one of my list of 'things to-buy'. happy day. however, we had nothing to put on/in it. that was a painful experience of futility and hopelessness. nevertheless, it looks beautiful now. happy day.
Okay. We.
we bought four trains. not me.
it is wonderful to be able to strategize and create campaigns. to come up with catchy taglines and copy and clever wordplay and visuals before figuring out what we have to buy to put this award-winning ad out there. this is kinda like my mother getting excited over a new product in our dinnerware series- eyes wide, happily holding a bowl aloft: "what do you think we can eat in *these*??"
i am glad i am not my boss.
boss: howc'm you get confused everytime? you know there's a difference between a PO and a PR.
grac: ...
boss: {waits expectantly}
grac: due process is a big v*gina
if i'm feeling down, walking through the gallery cheers me up and calms me down everytime. i love brisk walking down the corridors to check up on my favorite pieces. the event launches are fun. you get to be out of the office and in the gallery all day long. i love meeting journalists and art lovers.
primadonna artists, however, can be such big v*ginas. worse still, their *entourage* and plus-ones. eurgh.
still- i love my job. i'm glad i'm here and nobody can tell me otherwise.
growing old is nice. i just don't like growing up.